Useful information

Useful information on Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Life costs

Although it’s very close to the Spanish capital, as Alcalá de Henares is considered a small to medium-sized city, the cost of living is not as high as in Madrid and other major Spanish cities.

Here are some examples of some products of daily use:

  • 3-course menu: 10€ – 12€
  • Coffee: 1,20€
  • Beer: entre 2€ y 3€ (depending on the size)
  • Soft-drink: 1,60€ – 2€
  • Bus ticket: 1,50€ – 2€ (depending on the destination)

Life costs in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Opening hours

Banks are usually open from 8:30 to 14:30h, Monday to Friday. Some banks also open on Thursday afternoons.

El pequeño comercio de Alcalá, suele abrir de lunes a sábado desde las 10:00 hasta las 20:00 horas, sin embargo las grandes cadenas y establecimientos que están dentro de los centros comerciales suelen tener un horario más extenso, desde las 09:00/10:00 hasta las 22:00 horas.

Most shops in Alcalá de Henares open from 9:00/10:00h to 13:30/14:00h in the mornings and from 17:00 to 20:30/21:00 in the evenings, though some shops and businesses do not close for lunch.

Shopping centres are open from 9:00/10:00h to 22:00h, Monday to Saturday.

Opening hours in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)


Citizens of the European Union do not need a Visa and can travel to Spain with an Identification Card or a valid Passport.

Citizens of Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and the USA do not need a Visa if they plan to study and stay in Spain for less than 90 days (check with the nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate). If citizens of these countries wish to stay in Alcalá de Henares for more than 90 days, they need a Student Visa. Citizens of other countries should check their Visa conditions at the nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate.

A Student Visa must be obtained prior to the departure from their country at the Spanish Embassy or Consulate. If you need a Visa in order to study in Spain we strongly recommend that you apply very early, as you may need several weeks to complete the Visa application procedure.

Visas for Spain

Health care

All European Union Citizens are included in the Spanish Social Security and should bring their E-111 or E-128 forms from their country of origin or residence. Citizens of other countries should check at the Spanish Embassy.

If a student is on medical treatment, we advise him or her to bring enough supply of medicines since, even though buying medicines is very easy, names can change from country to country.

Students are encouraged to take extra insurance and bring proof of their insurance which covers medical expenses, loss of luggage, cancellation, etc. Top School can supply this insurance at a very competitive rate.

Health care in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)